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Firmware Interface Design: Best Practices For Improving Embedded Systems Development Mobi Download B


There is very little written about how to get hardware and firmware to work well together. This book attempts to fill that niche. It addresses the interface between the hardware and firmware domains and provides practices that will reduce the time and effort required to produce an embedded systems product. It covers all aspects of development surrounding the hardware/firmware interface, including the process of development, the high-level design, and the detailed design.

Firmware Interface Design: Best Practices for Improving Embedded Systems Development mobi download b

1. Introduction: This chapter establishes the foundation for the book. It discusses various types of hardware and how they impact the hardware/firmware interface. It defines principles and best practices, the target audience, and the product life cycle. It also presents a case study used throughout the book.

Because of the nature of embedded systems, hardware design will always precede firmware design. While some tools and techniques are available to permit a more parallel effort, in the end, the hardware must be created before the firmware team can carry out its final development and testing efforts. Although a significant amount of effort is expended to ensure correct design at the hardware/firmware interface, problems will still appear when hardware and firmware are integrated as a system.

Chips are expensive and hard to design and build; getting them right is a business necessity. Designing chips for firmware engineers is a key enabler. This book provides a rigorous study of common sense approaches to chip design based on years of experience in writing firmware for chips. It captures practical and sensible ideas and applies structure and rigor to the design. The goal of the book is to provide principles and best practices that allow hardware and firmware engineers to improve the development and integration of embedded systems. This book is most useful during the development phase of the product, specifically during the development of both the chip and the firmware for a product.

This first chapter provides background into the subject matter and lays the groundwork for the remainder of the book. The second chapter discusses seven principles of hardware/firmware interface design. The rest of the book contains over 300 best practices. Obviously the list of best practices presented here cannot be an exhaustive one in this area. As you read through the following chapters, you will think about best practices that you use and will get ideas for others. Write them down so you can apply them to your work and share them with others.

Whether you are primarily a hardware engineer or firmware engineer, this book will help you optimize the hardware/firmware interface within your project or product. Key topics covered include register layout, interrupts, timing and performance, aborts, and errors. Real-world case studies help to solidify the principles and best practices and focus you on cleaner designs, shorter schedules, and better implementations.

Linux also runs on embedded systems, i.e. devices whose operating system is typically built into the firmware and is highly tailored to the system. This includes routers, automation controls, smart home devices, video game consoles,[32] televisions (Samsung and LG Smart TVs),[33][34][35] automobiles (Tesla, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai and Toyota),[36] and spacecraft (Falcon 9 rocket, Dragon crew capsule and the Perseverance rover).[37][38] 2ff7e9595c


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