I have installed OpenSUSE on my laptop. I am trying to connect to my wifi.I entered my wifi password (correctly) and then it is asking for my KDE wallet password. I set the KDE password but forgot it.
How to reset your KDE wallet password
Download File: https://miimms.com/2vHUgd
I've read about a kwallet GUI that could be installed from synaptic, but I found nothing. Actually, it shows a GUI asking me the password, so it must contain somewhere where I can change this password.
If the wallet is closed, if you do not know the current password, it is not possible to "reset" it (this would be a security problem). It is only possible to remove the entire wallet and then kwallet should ask you to create a new password.
In the system tray, you would find its icon. Click on the icon (left-click, not right-click). A new window would open with the list of wallets (by default there is just 1). Right click the wallet and you have the option to change the password.
txwikinger's method of deleting the wallet (by deleting the kdewallet.kwl file) no longer works (at least as of my Kubuntu 15.10 / KDE 5). That is, (even if kdewallet is running) deleting that .kwl file doesn't result in the kde wallet service now asking you for a new password. For some reason (at least for me), the system just continues to ask for the (old) password, as if nothing changed. A bit frustrating.
Remembering all the passwords for protected resources to which you need to log in can be problematic. KWallet remembers them for you. KWallet is a password management tool that can collect all passwords and stores them in an encrypted file. With a single master password, open your wallet to view, search, delete, or create entries.
When you enter a password in a KDE application for the first time (in KMail or Konqueror, for example), you are asked if you want to store the password in an encrypted wallet. If you click Yes, the KWallet wizard starts by default. KWallet is a password management tool that can collect all passwords and store them in an encrypted file.
By default, all passwords are stored in one wallet, kdewallet, but you can also add new wallets. Once configured, KWallet appears in the panel. You can also start KWallet manually by pressing Alt+F2 and entering kwalletmanager.
To store data in your wallet or view its contents, click the KWallet icon in the panel. A dialog box opens, showing the wallets that are accessible on your system. Click the wallet to open. A window prompts for your password.
After a successful login, the KWallet Manager window opens. In the tree view on the left, navigate to the entry for which you want to view or change the password. For safety reasons, the password value is hidden by default when you click the entry. For passwords, click Show Contents. For maps, containing key and value pairs (like a WLAN ESSID and your password), activate Show Values to view the contents.
To add a key pair, right-click the empty input field and select New Entry Type in your password (or you key and respective value for that key) and click Save. KWallet saves your entry to the subfolder selected.
By default, KWallet stores all passwords in one wallet named kdewallet. To store local and network-related passwords in different wallets, activate Different wallet for local passwords. Click New to create an additional wallet, if needed.
For the most part, KWallet resides silently in the panel and is automatically activated if needed. However, you can copy your wallet files to another computer (for example, your laptop). To simplify this task, wallets can be dragged from the manager window to a file browser window. This let you easily package a new wallet for transfer to another environment. For example, a new wallet could be created and copied onto a removable flash memory device. Important passwords could be transferred there, so you have them available in other locations.
KDE Wallet Manager is a tool to manage passwords on the KDE Plasma system. By using the KWallet subsystem it not only allows you to keep your own secrets but also to access and manage the passwords of every application that integrates with KWallet.
Chrome/Chromium/Opera has built in wallet integration. To enable it, run Chromium with the --password-store=kwallet5 or --password-store=detect argument. To make the change persistent, see Chromium#Making flags persistent. (Setting CHROMIUM_USER_FLAGS will not work.)
I'm not sure exactly how KDE Wallet is architectured, but what I mean is that the dialog asking you for your password is now displayed almost a minute after KDE has started, as opposed to being displayed immediately like it used to be. This is very annoying as launching Chromium before KDE Wallet's password has been provided results in all state data (cookies, local storage, etc) being lost.
This has been a very annoying issue ... I'm an opensuse tumbleweed user with a fully up-to-date system ... I've tried all the workarounds that I'm able to without success and only been able to solve this by using Kleopatra to reset my kdewallet password to empty ... temporary solution until all this is resolved ... hope this helps others until there is a fix ... cheers
I'm trying to keep my SSH password in KDE wallet. I'm adding an SSH key by ssh-add command and specifying a password but the system asks me for a password each time after system rebooted. I've tried many ways but no results.
It seems that the code includes some optional support for not doing the password hashing and encryption itself (as we saw, it does it very poorly), but instead using GnuPG. Now THAT is a good idea. GnuPG implements the OpenPGP format which, for all its shortcomings, is at least decent cryptographically speaking (when properly used), and GnuPG is also known to be a tolerably good implementation. To improve storage of your KWallet, see if you can convince your computer to use this GnuPG support code and format.
Some of these can be reduced at the cost of some user convenience, by disabling auto-unlocking, enabling auto-locking, and requiring a prompt each time an application tries to access the wallet. In addition, don't store highly-sensitive secrets together with your application passwords, and use two-factor-authentication for the really sensitive stuff like your email (which can be used to reset many of your other passwords), bank account/website, and credit card/website passwords.
If you have somewhat modern SSD it might come with built-in hardware encryption (and many laptop HDD used in business class products, esp. Hitachi had this in their 7200 RPM 2.5 drives) which would protect you if you are at risk of your computer growing legs. When you log into the bios (typically) the key gets put into the lock so anyone using the system wouldn't be terribly hindered, at least until they had to reset the machine. Still, good idea for all laptops, and hardware encryption means no CPU overhead.
Another option, a bit more risque, is to put your wallet (whether Keepass or KDE or even your generic bog-standard keyring) in a cloud-synced directory. While Microsoft and Apple have seem to have had some technical difficulties in figuring out how to deliver this to their Linux using customers, DropBox and Copy.com have decent Linux clients. I was favorably impressed with Copy.com's security measures, but they are a company run by humans, so something could possibly happen someday.
If I was using a USB to carry around my passwords, I would be sure to run as much software as possible as a portable app (with either a subsequently deleted RAM drive or a directory that gets encrypted at the end). Most of the stuff from PortableApps.com runs great under WINE (except for that ugly Windows-look to them), although I have had problems w/ Chrome. If your aluminum foil hat is getting too tight, the kindly folk at Tor have a portable version of a semi-hardened Firefox hooked up to Tor that you can also download and run from a USB drive.
Here's an interesting, annoying little problem for you. Say you run a Linux machine, with the Plasmadesktop as your UI of choice. You connect to a Wireless network, no sweat. But then, on reboot youdiscover that your system will not reconnect. The password is fine, and if you manually initiate theconnection, everything works. Similarly, when you wake your machine (laptop) from sleep, there is noautomatic reconnection to the access point. Manually, no problem.
Most likely, this isn't selected. The reason is, your distro is probably not using the KDE Wallet,and so to avoid having the Wireless password stored in unencrypted form (you can check and verifythis on the Security tab) for all users, only your own user is allowed to connect to the network. Theside effect is that you also don't get auto-reconnect to your known access points.
Select this option, click Apply. On next login (whether after wake from sleep or reboot), you shouldnow have your Wireless reconnect properly. In essence, your problem is solved. But you might also wantto enable KDE Wallet, so that you keep your passwords stored in encrypted form.
After KDE Wallet is enabled, you should remove (forget) your Wireless access point, connectafresh - you will need your password again. Now, the system should ask you whether you want to usethe Wallet. Say yes, and things will be fine from now on.
This is a fairly short tutorial, but the problem is quite annoying. It's a small thing, but it doesmar the overall experience. Thinking more broadly, the credentials management in Linux is a bit weird,and hasn't been properly done since, well, ever. Some desktop environments will prompt you to usepassword wallets, some won't. Some distros will or won't, regardless of the desktop you use. There willbe situations where you launch a particular app, like Chromium or Skype, and the wallet tool will wakeup. Sometimes, network share connections will need password again and again, because the system won'tuse the wallet. 2ff7e9595c